Wednesday, May 27, 2009


One of the health drinks that I usually take and luckily for me it is widely available in my country of residence but for those who have a hard time finding it in the local grocery store, here is how you can make it.


2 cups fresh soybeans
salt to taste
sugar to taste

  • Soak soybeans in warm water for at least 6 hours.
  • Remove soybean skin and rinse thoroughly.
  • Grind soybeans or blend at high speed.
  • Extract soybean milk by squeezing through a cheese cloth.
  • Add water to soybean milk to make 8 cups.
  • Cook soymilk in a kettle over medium flame.Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  • Lower fire and keep kettle uncovered.
  • Simmer for at least an hour.
  • Add sugar and salt. Let cool.
  • Serve hot or cold.

1 comment:

Michelle L said...

cool recipes, but i recommend you to visit two of my site for diet - and