Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So you have decided to be a vegetarian. That's a healthy choice you have made! Congratulations! There are different reasons for being a vegetarian, it maybe due to health, religion or ethics. Studies have shown how beneficial it is to a person if he/she follows a healthy habit especially in the intake of food. Vegetarianism is categorized as follows:

  1. Ovo-vegetarian - people who include eggs and milk in their diet
  2. Lacto vegetarian - excluding eggs, they consume dairy products
  3. Pesca vegetarian - includes fish in their meals
  4. Vegan - eat plant-based food and does not consume any kind of dairy product

Whatever your reason maybe or whatever kind of vegetarian are you, I applaud you for taking a big step! Along the way, temptations may come...but keep in mind that health is indeed wealth! So you've got nothing to lose except those fats!

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