Thursday, November 27, 2008


As the old saying goes, a banana a day (take note, not apple anymore!), drives the doctor away. This yellow-colored fruit contains fiber, iron and is very rich in potassium plus a lot more nutritional values. A person with a body low in potassium doesn't need to spend for an expensive drug, just a banana will do!

According to studies this fruit of different varieties has the following health benefits:

  1. Anti-depression - lightens up the mood of a depressed person. Been there, done that and tried banana, it did work! (for the time being, of course, unless you want to digest a banana every minute?!)
  2. Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - lucky for those who don't have it but for some PMS can be terribly painful. Forget the pills, ladies...hav' a banana!
  3. Stress - too much problem at work or at home? Banana can be a solution, it's high-potassium content helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates body water's balance.
  4. Tried giving up smoking? Bananas may be of help. It contains B6 & B12, potassium and magnesium that helps the body recover in nicotine withdrawal.
  5. Food for the brain - a study had shown that students with more banana intake is inclined to get higher exam results or grades.
  6. Body beautiful - aside from the good taste it gives, bananas will help you in losing those ugly fats. For those who usually eat snacks or dinner, this fruit is highly recommended instead of those cholesterol-filled snacks.
  7. Constipation - even the uneducated and tribal people know about this. Older folks encourages the intake of bananas whenever a child has constipation for it's high-potassium content can help restore normal bowel content. No need for laxatives to attain relief.
  8. Mosquito bite - rub the inside of the banana peel onto the bitten part and voila! See for yourself!
  9. Anemia - bananas are rich in iron that helps regulate normal blood flow and production of hemoglobin.
  10. Stroke - including bananas in one's daily diet cut the risks of death by strokes as much as 40%.
There are a lot more reasons why you've got to eat bananas. As for me, I consume it mainly for its taste, the health benefits are just a plus! No wonder monkeys love 'em!


Dinah said...

banana is a comfort food for me and my kids.

thanks for the link, btw!

J3S TRAVEL & TOURS said...

It's my favorite fruit although sometimes I'm lazy to carry a bunch of bananas from the market. Thanks for the comment.